Modern Writers

Fantast Writers ' Rally
There is no commercial website type of information portal, bibliographic database, blog platform, forum. Registration is not necessary for review; it is mandatory to maintain a blog and send messages. 791.0 thousand visitors/month (LveInternet statistics) The location of the server of Russia by the author…

Known Modern Writers
From the beginning, I would like to explain that this work is not so much for a writer, but for a reader, because it is for him, our modern reader, that there is a disproportionate burden on which very few people write. Imagine, with each written book, the number of literature that needs to be read is…

Popular Modern Writers
Every foreigner knows the Dostoy and Tolstoy. What about the modern authors? ReadRate has found out what relevant writers are now reading foreigners. You know, we re definitely proud! Dostoevsky, Tolsto, Gogol, Pasternak, Solgins and Brodsky. The legacy of Russian literature abroad is still being read…